Manoj All Time Great Selected Short Stories (A Grand Collection of World Famous Stories by Universally Acclaimed Authors)


The names – Saki, Khali Gibran, O. Henry, Anton Chekhov, Maupassant – need no introduction. They are living legends in their field – stories written by them are immortal. They touched almost each and every aspect of human life.

In this collection of short stories we select popular writings of these authors. The stories are full of drama, emotion, enmity, thrill, romance etc.

Maupassant did his writings in French and Chekhov did it in Russian. But in this book they too are in English with all their regional culture, customs and flavours.
This master collection of short stories by universally acclaimed authors will prove a treasure collection for the readers.

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Manoj All Time Great Selected Short Stories (A Grand Collection of World Famous Stories by Universally Acclaimed Authors)