Manoj Great Industrialists Software King Bill Gates


Most of the computers in the world use software invented by Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft. Inc. of Redmond, Wash. Software is the set of programs that make computers – whether business or personal – perform various tasks. Gates was born in Seattle, Wash., in 1955. As a boy, he was bright and curious. He was active in Scouting, reaching Life Scout rank in Troop 186. He especially loved hiking, camping and other outdoor adventures. But Gates was obsessed with computers. While a student at Harvard University in 1975, Gates and a friend, Paul Allen, developed a computer language for an early version of the personal computer. Microsoft was born. Gates went on to develop operating system, such as MS-DOS, and software programs. Thanks to Microsoft, Gates is now one of the richest men in America. He is worth more than $ 8 billion. A technical wizard and a fierce business competitor, Gates sees great thins ahead for computers. He says they “are really going to change a lot of things in the world -the way we work, the way we play and entertain ourselves and even the way we are educated.”

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Manoj Great Industrialists Software King Bill Gates